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Safety Checklist for Your Child’s Day Care

2 min read
Safety Checklist for Your Child’s Day Care

Good day care can be a fun, and enriching experience for children, but when choosing the best place for your little ones to spend their day, probably the most important factor for parents is safety. You want to know that safety is encouraged, while the kids are running, climbing, building and singing, and with the same passion that’s committed to their learning and playtime.

As a guide for parents, below is a safety checklist for children’s daycare that Gerber Life Insurance Company has put together. It’s meant as a guide to the kinds of thing that parents may want to look for to help guard against injuries. A parent’s instinct, senses and research remain best. Walk around the facility to see if there is anything that gives you pause. Does it seem clean? Is it designed for children? Is it unlikely to allow for injury? Are the children always supervised? Check off the following details as you go.

You’re welcome to print out this guide and take it with you when evaluating prospective day care centers or when visiting your child’s current facility.


Walls and Windows

____ Paint isn’t peeling.

____ Electrical outlets are covered. Electrical cords are well maintained and out

of reach.

____ Windows have window guards yet can be easily opened by adults in an

emergency. Drapery cords are secured.

____ Exterior doors are secured so that children can’t wander outside.

____ Emergency exits are marked and easily accessible.

____ Staircases have solid gates and gate latches.

____ Items on shelves, including purses, are kept out of children’s reach.

____ Cabinets that are not for children have safety latches.

____ Cleaning products are secured away from children’s reach.

Indoor Play Areas and Other

____ Floors are free of clutter. Rugs are non-skid.

____ Toys are clean, in good repair and safe for your child’s age.

____ Heavy items, such as televisions and large furniture, are secured or

positioned so that children can’t turn them over.

____Hot surfaces, such as radiators and stoves, are our of children’s reach.

Infant Cribs and Changing Tables

____ Cribs comply with current Federal regulations.

____ Cribs are free of pillows, stuffed animals and bumper pads.

____ Cribs have mattresses that fit snugly and sheets that fit securely.

____ Cribs and changing-table items are regularly washed with gentle, baby-safe

____ Changing tables are sanitary and stocked with appropriate supplies such as

wipes and diaper rash cream


____ Bathroom door can be easily opened from the exterior by an adult.

____ Bathroom door has a device that makes it close slowly and softly to help

prevent squished fingers.

____ Cabinets, and medicine cabinets have latches.

____ Nothing dangerous is accessible by children.

____ Children are never left unsupervised.

Safety Procedures and Devices

____ Procedures for child drop-off and pick-up such as sign-in/sign-out sheets

or pre-approved list of guardians who are authorized to pick up your child.

____ Caregiver certification in first aid and CPR.

____ Working carbon monoxide detectors.

____ Working smoke detectors.

____ Good first-aid kit.

____ Fire extinguisher.

____ Evacuation plan.

Outdoor Play Areas

____ Play area is fenced.

____Play equipment is safe, well kept and appropriate for children’s age.

____ No standing water, which could attract mosquitos.

____ No hazards that could cause tripping or strangulation, such as dangling

____ No peeling paint.

____ No lawn equipment and garden poisons accessible.

____ No protruding nails, bolts, splintered wood, open S hooks, or other items that could cause injury.

____ Children required to remove clothing that has hoods and drawstrings.

____ Children never left unsupervised.


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