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It’s Never Too Late to Achieve Your Dreams

1 min read
It’s Never Too Late to Achieve Your Dreams

If you think that it’s too late to achieve your dreams, think again. Age shouldn’t be a barrier to achieving a goal or fulfilling a dream.

Remember, what applies to kids also applies to adults: Kids often learn best from example, and so showing a child how to work toward what he or she wants in life, and to not give up when the going gets challenging, can be a great lesson.

The example set by these six real-life entrepreneurs – Colonel Sanders of Kentucky Fried Chicken, Ray Croc of McDonald’s, television personality Joy Behar, Stan Lee of Marvel Comics, and Tim and Nina Zagat of the Zagat restaurant guides and ratings – illustrate why success does not have an age limit.

Although your goal may not be to start a major global franchise or become a star in another way, the stories of these six men and women are inspiring.

Besides, not all entrepreneurial hopefuls appearing on the TV program “Shark Tank” are youngsters or young adults. Every year, publications carry reports of grandmothers who have just returned to college and obtained a college degree – sometimes alongside their granddaughter. Retirees, taxi drivers, and shop-owners number among the people who have competitively sailed singlehandedly around the world.

With hard work and determination, there is no reason why you, too, can’t experience new successes later in life.

Age not barrier to Success

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